Peach Fuzz

Composing this post at the keyboard so randomness and digressions are probable.

When I think about peach fuzz, two things come to mind. The first is the fuzz on the fruit, and the other is pre-teen and teen boys who begin to have their first whiskers.

I will tackle the second thing first. I have two grown sons, and somehow I never noticed when they first had “peach fuzz” although they must have had it at some time. I don’t think I was an oblivious mother, but who knows. I can’t imagine that somehow they went from no real facial hair to a full beard requiring shaving without that peach fuzz stage. Of course, each of them has had facial hair at one time or another since then. My older son has sported a mustache as well as huge sideburns from time to time. My younger son sports a goatee, and each has participated in Movember (a foundation and website that promotes mustache growth in November to raise funds for and shed light on prostate cancer) a time or two. In fact, I have donated in the past to the cause, but I digress.  Enough about hairy faces…

Back to the fruit, and its propensity for a fuzzy exterior. When I was a young girl, I preferred canned peaches much more than the fresh fruit. Why? Because of the freaky feeling of the fuzz against my lips and mouth. I never considered having it peeled as that would have required asking for help. Eventually, I learned to grab a knife and skin it, but mostly I avoided the fresh fruit. The tactile experience of the fuzzy peaches creeped me out, frankly; however, over time, I learned to “get over it” as I love the taste of fresh peaches.

A quick digression: For those who may suggest nectarines as the smooth-skinned fruit that’s a good substitute for peaches, I respectfully disagree. Nectarines are not nearly as tasty or juicy as peaches; it is like comparing oranges to tangerines (and I am not even going to get into the subject of tangelos). Oranges are just juicier and better flavored than tangerines. Yeah, each has its uses and advantages, but oranges and peaches are better than tangerines and nectarines respectively. Okay, maybe that’s just my opinion.

Maybe, time mellowed my aversion to peach fuzz because I noticed that peaches seem to be less furry than they used to be. The ones purchased at the grocery or farmer’s market have less fuzz, or so it seems. I don’t know if they have bred the fuzz off or whether they are shaved.

This has really become apparent now that my husband and I have a dwarf peach tree. It was planted several years ago in our expanding garden. Or to paraphrase/quote Michael Caine’s character in Secondhand Lions (I totally recommend this movie; if you haven’t seen it, check it out, but I digress), “We’re retired; that’s what retired people do, they garden.” This year we have enough peaches to make cobbler and pies, to eat, and to freeze some for this fall and winter. These peaches are extremely fuzzy; they remind me of the peaches of my youth. Fortunately, the fuzz rubs off pretty easily, and I have noticed that the riper the peach the less fuzz it has.

As for our expanding garden, we now have a concord grape arbor (planted in 2011), two raised beds (expanded from one two years ago), and an asparagus patch, which was planted this year and not expected to have a crop for at least two years. Our raised beds started with cherry tomatoes and leaf lettuce. Then the following year we added winter squash and cucumbers, but this year we decided to only plant spaghetti squash as well as the tomatoes and lettuce. So far, we have been blessed with five or six squash despite my husband’s constant fight with the squash borer, plenty of cherry tomatoes, a healthy lettuce crop in June, and, surprisingly, a cucumber. The grapes are ripening and hope that the birds will leave us a few to eat.

Now, it’s time to pick some fuzzy peaches, peel them, and make a pie.


About pedometergeek

A pharmacist by profession, a haiku poet by nature, I read and write. I have my debut book of haiku, Ohayo Haiku, and another somewhat alternative haiku book, Three Breaths, but write other genres. I have an illustrated children's book, The Adventures of Aloysius. I also read...lots of novels! My favorite is, and remains, Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged but I am also a big Harry Potter fan. I truly am a pedometer geek strapping on my pedometer as soon as I awaken.
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5 Responses to Peach Fuzz

  1. rebbthoughts says:

    The peach pie sounds delicious, Nan. I usually go for nectarines because I like the firmness and that they’re not too sweet. I feel like I need to have a peach now because I can’t remember the last time I did! Thanks for the movie recommendation!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Rebb,
      I promised my husband a peach pie and plan on making it today as well as freezing a whole bunch of them. I will have to give nectarines another try, I guess. As for the movie, it is one of all-time favorites, a comfort movie when Harry Potter just won’t do. With Michael Caine, Robert Duvall (has he ever done a bad movie?), and Hailey Joel Osmet as the stars and Kyra Sedgewick as one of the ancillary stars, it is a star studded cast with some great lines (and message). We actually bought copies of it for nearly everyone in our family ten years ago…gifted everyone so that there’d be the opportunity to see it and watch it over and over if desired. ~nan


  2. julespaige says:

    I can’t remember when I saw that movie! Delightful! But then I have always liked Michael Caine.
    I have a son who doesn’t like peach fuzz. Don’t think he eats peaches at all. His loss. But they can be a bit messy when juicy.

    My container gardening was just enough for me – I tried asparagus once, but I let it go and it went to fern. I think I’ll just go to the farmers market next year. I don’t mind their very good seconds. I do mind the bugs and animals that eat my fruit! I think though I’ll still have parsley…just for the swallowtail caterpillars.

    And by the way the Canna’s are quite lovely this year! Thank you!

    Liked by 1 person

    • I am glad to hear you like that movie as well; there is something about its message that I like. I also am a huge Robert Duvall fan; he doesn’t make a bad movie.

      Peaches are messy. I often eat one over the sink to catch the drips, No, it isn’t very polite or civilized, but then I can claim neither of those attributes (at least all of the time).

      We have already decided on next year’ garden. We are going to grown green beans, corn, and spaghetti squash in the same manner as native Americans did. Perhaps that will protect the squash from the borer this way.

      Glad to hear your canna lilies are doing well. We expanded ours into two beds, and the newer one is up by the house and we have had the hummingbird back. I was sitting on our deck the other day, writing on my laptop when I saw the reflection of the hummingbird on the screen. It was right behind me. Have you gotten any hummingbirds to yours?

      Today was much cooler, almost fall-like. I am not ready for that.

      Liked by 1 person

      • julespaige says:

        With my Canna being in the front of the house, I think it is too busy for the smaller birds. But then I can’t see them from the windows. I tried planting some in the back last year but the squirrels or something else dug them up.

        As far as haibun – I stretch the standard definitions. The prose part is supposed to be about travel, then followed by a haiku that sums up the feeling. I’m sure you could find better definitions. I have written haibun with haiku throughout the prose. Like this one:

        I think I’d actually like a green house. But I’ve no space for a proper one – not enough sun in the back and I like my trees. And our porch really can’t be converted to one. It isn’t really sealed well and has no sky lights. The lighting was really just added by my hubby – there is only one outlet. And I think in a true green house you do need some fans and the ability to control air flow.

        Fall is in the air – that is true enough 😉


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