Week 7: Season Words–Fish Rise From the Ice

The week at Season Words, Mark blogged about the seventh week of the year, which completes the Solar Term, Beginning of Spring. The micro-seasons during this week include “Bush Warblers Start Singing in the Mountains” and “Fish Rise From the Ice.” The former micro-season ends, and the latter one begins during this week.

Mark blogs about the Spring Festival, which starts with the arrival of the Beginning of Spring. Decorations include the color red, with people as well as the cities and towns wearing red. This decorating extends to houses, which are decorated with Door Couplets. To read all about what Door Couplets are and so much more, check out https://seasonwords.com/2024/02/16/week-07-fish-rise-from-the-ice/

Per usual, Mark also shared some seasonal haiku from Basho, Issa, Reichhold, and others based on the kigo melting ice and melting snow. He also invited readers to write haiku referencing the same.

This pedometer geek poet wrote the following haiku:

ice melting…
in the sky
a first quarter moon
~Nancy Brady, 2024

melting ice…
the fish rise to the surface
of the river
~Nancy Brady, 2024

melting ice
on the river
a cat is fishing
~Nancy Brady, 2023

Chinese knot…
our couplets
of luck and love
~Nancy Brady, 2024

The first haiku above was written as a homage to one of Issa’s haiku (that is, channeling Issa) with the first quarter moon, which occurs on February 16 (to understand this, read Mark’s blog). To read all the haiku written by some of his readers or write some, check out the comments at the end of the blog.

About pedometergeek

A pharmacist by profession, a haiku poet by nature, I read and write. I have my debut book of haiku, Ohayo Haiku, and another somewhat alternative haiku book, Three Breaths, but write other genres. I have an illustrated children's book, The Adventures of Aloysius. I also read...lots of novels! My favorite is, and remains, Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged but I am also a big Harry Potter fan. I truly am a pedometer geek strapping on my pedometer as soon as I awaken.
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6 Responses to Week 7: Season Words–Fish Rise From the Ice

  1. Jules says:

    Nicely done. I left a longer comment at Seasonwords 🙂


    Liked by 1 person

  2. JC home says:

    The thought of melting ice is a beautiful thing. And the coupling of Chinese knots…beautiful!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks, JC, for reading and commenting. I have to admit that I had some editing suggestions on my Chinese knot, thanks to Mark S. He helped me pare it down a bit. Sunny, warm days are even more beautiful than melting ice–just my opinion though.      ~Nan


  3. Mark S says:

    Hi Nan,

    So many great haiku this week! Thanks for always contributing to the conversations over on the blog. Your voice and knowledge is greatly appreciated! 

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Mark,

        Thanks for that. I sometimes think I overstep my bounds there, trying to be positive to all the other poets. Your blog just keeps growing as is the community of poets who share their work. You have done a fantastic job teaching us about the natural world and haiku. Keep it up, please. Nan

      Liked by 1 person

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