Heterodox Haiku: A Haiku Happening

This pedometer geek writer is pleased that a haiku was accepted at Heterodox Haiku for inclusion in Issue 4: Winter 2023. My haiku was paired with a photograph by the editor of Heterodox and can be seen along with three other haiku-photographs.

Yesterday it went live on X, formerly known as Twitter, although this poet continues to call it Twitter, but I digress. Regardless, this haiga with a title can be seen, thanks to editor Jerome Berglund. Check out all the Headnotes of Heterodox Haiku on X (@HeterodoxHaiku).

About pedometergeek

A pharmacist by profession, a haiku poet by nature, I read and write. I have my debut book of haiku, Ohayo Haiku, and another somewhat alternative haiku book, Three Breaths, but write other genres. I have an illustrated children's book, The Adventures of Aloysius. I also read...lots of novels! My favorite is, and remains, Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged but I am also a big Harry Potter fan. I truly am a pedometer geek strapping on my pedometer as soon as I awaken.
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10 Responses to Heterodox Haiku: A Haiku Happening

  1. vhosking says:

    Congrats 🎉 🎊

    Liked by 1 person

  2. JC home says:

    Congratulations! But, you should not be so grateful that your writing was accepted. THEY should be grateful to have you.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks, JC. That’s sweet of you to say that, but there are so many haiku poets out there that I am grateful when someone else (besides you, of course 😉 ) appreciates and accepts my haiku. Especially since that particular haiku has had its fair share of rejections. I tweaked it a little (changed up a line).

      I really do appreciate that you read, comment, and like my writing. It keeps me writing so thank you, again. ~Nan

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Govind Joshi says:

    This is beautiful verse. Congratulations!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Jules says:

    Always nice when artists work together. I’ve done some pairing with a Carrot Ranch project. I can’t wait until that ‘book’ comes out. (((Hugs)))

    Liked by 1 person

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