National Poetry Month Offering: Pizza 1984

April is National Poetry Month in the United States. It was launched in 1996 by the Academy of American Poets as a way to increase awareness and appreciation of poetry. (Wikipedia)

During the month many poets write a poem a day or participate in poetry readings. In that vein, this pedometer geek poet wrote some poems based on suggested prompts. Most of them were haiku or senryu, but I wrote some longer poems as well. One of my favorites, which was one of several I read at a poetry reading in April, is the following:

Pizza 1984

Years before pineapple
became a desirable topping on pizza,
Steve and I decided
on a pie with ham, pepperoni, and (of course)
pineapple after checking out the menu.
It was called Hawaiian Pizza, and
everyone at the store was freaked out
at the thought.
“Pineapple on pizza?”
“Are you kidding? That’s gross!”
was the general consensus. Yet,
we shrugged our shoulders, ordered it anyway,
and dug in when it arrived, piping hot,
cheesy with plenty of meat and pineapple.
Suddenly, the naysayers wanted a taste of it, but
we kept it to ourselves.
After all, he was a growing young man
and I was eating for two.

~Nancy Brady, 2024

In a month, my older son will be turning forty. Where did the time go?

About pedometergeek

A pharmacist by profession, a haiku poet by nature, I read and write. I have my debut book of haiku, Ohayo Haiku, and another somewhat alternative haiku book, Three Breaths, but write other genres. I have an illustrated children's book, The Adventures of Aloysius. I also read...lots of novels! My favorite is, and remains, Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged but I am also a big Harry Potter fan. I truly am a pedometer geek strapping on my pedometer as soon as I awaken.
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23 Responses to National Poetry Month Offering: Pizza 1984

  1. Pineapple pizza (no meat) is my favorite!🍍


  2. Jules says:

    If you can have warmed pineapple on an upsidedown cake – why not on pizza –

    Our children are around the same age, one one is younger the other just a bit older!

    With our grands all getting older – yes time does seem to fly!

    We were just talking to another patron at a resturant – he hadn’t stated his age – but called anyone in their 70’s – youngsters 😉


    • I do the reverse. I call anyone ten years or so younger than me kids. My sons are just about two years apart in age, and I can’t believe my younger son just turned 38, either. Our six grands start at age 21 down to less than 2, but the older ones are technically step-grandchildren. Yet, they have known me since they were born. Time definitely flies; I still can’t believe that the oldest one is starting her fourth year in college.

      Good point about pineapple on pineapple upside-down cake (my sister’s favorite). I hadn’t ever thought about pineapple on (or in) cake, and many people put pineapple rings on ham. Int retrospect, it’s no-brainer. ~Nan

      Liked by 1 person

      • Jules says:

        I’ll only have my two grands… But I’ll get to see my great twin nephews grow up… our neighbor has four children… on no children, but the other three made up for it since I think she has five or six grands.

        I made a chicken dish with peaches… I guess there are many fruits you can pair with protien. 🙂 🍍


      • I made a dinner with chicken and peaches once. It was called Peachy Chicken, and I found the recipe on the malt vinegar bottle. I should give it another go sometime, but I think I’d buy another bottle of malt vinegar. It’s been a long time since we opened it. I don’t know what the expiration date is on vinegar, but I think this one has passed its prime. It’s always lovely when there are a group of kids in the neighborhood, playing together even if it is only occasionally. Rob and I were just talking about the fact that all of our neighborhood kids are grown up (the last one graduated from high school a few weeks ago). The kids are still close, but college beckons for them all, and with that, they could end up living all over the country.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Jules says:

        I don’t think I used any vinegar in my peach chicken.

        Our one SIL who is in the area… will end up moving when her children settle as they get out of the service. We’ll stay put as so far ours aren’t far. And one grand still has four years before college.

        Living all over gives you good places to visit. 🙂


      • That’s true as long as you don’t have a pet that needs constant care.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Jules says:

        I think by the time that in-law has to move the eldest pet will be long gone. But pets can travel too… though some easier than others.

        We took a gold fish from Indiana to here! And it made it! That fish lived a long time too!


      • That’s cool that you got the goldfish to move (and survive). That says so much about the kind of people you are (and it’s all good!). We moved a cat from Dayton to here, but I wouldn’t ever travel with a cat for a vacation.They generally hate being in a car for any length of time. I know lots of people who vacation with dogs, but cats, never. I think once Regulus is gone, there won’t be another cat until we are really old and really gray. We’d like to travel some especially to where our families are. Until then, though, trips are few and far between. Alas…

        Liked by 1 person

      • Jules says:

        If you like to travel… don’t get a bird for a pet – if you go away they sulk! Worse than a cat or a dog!

        Our one neice who adopted a cat from Okinawa brought the cat back to the states… with some shifting that cat has resided with another relative and is about 15 plus years old.

        Some dogs get sick if they are in a kennel. Homesick… A relative had to have a house sitter come in to take care of them when they went away. And the bigger the dog is and if there are any speicial needs… the kennel expense goes up.

        Once our dog passed… that was it. Now I just have plants. And the bird feeders keep the birds coming… and that’s enough 🙂


      • Well, our cat has chronic pancreatitis, and we never know when it’s going to cause him problems. We recently took an overnight trip and came back to find he had thrown up seven times (either it was nervousness or pancreatitis). Once he dies, we don’t plan on taking on another pet. We got him as a stray during the pandemic. I suspect the former owners got tired of his pancreatitis and threw him out. We also think he was abused (hit) because of his scars and his fear of paper and other things we noticed.  We can find pleasure in the birds around here, giving us the freedom to travel. On the other hand, we won’t be throwing him out.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Jules says:

        Most of my relatives that have cats (or once dogs) were all rescues with health issues. The old one that mentioned also medical needs and has to be hydrated. The cat just ‘loves’ that process… not!


      • Bearcat, my cat which lived to the ripe old age of 22, needed hydration because of her small kidneys.The vet wanted us to give her an IV three times a week, but we refused. We kept her comfortable until it was time. I think she held on for longer than maybe she should have. When I told it was “okay” she finally passed on.  

        Liked by 1 person

      • Jules says:

        Our relative has the means to help (and has helped) all her resuces. It is always sad long or short life of our pet family…


      • She is a humanitarian (or mammalitarian?) for doing that for her pets, JP.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Jules says:

        All of their pets were… rescuse 🙂
        I didn’t realize some of the stories were linked to the closed site – You’ve been granted access 🙂


      • Thanks so much. I don’t know why I couldn’t get back in. It worked fine when I used the Banker tab at the top of the page.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Jules says:

        Good you can get it at least one way… I can always send you a bunch at a time… I think I have them in one file…


      • Pets are important members of the family and leave a lasting impressions.

        Liked by 1 person

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